Robert Limb hands over GRN Chairman role to Leif Kvamme

Following four years as the Chair of the GRN, Robert Limb (OSRL) handed over the reigns to Leif Kvamme (NOFO) in 2017. Robert remains on the GRN Executive Committee.


“I was fortunate to be elected Chairman of the GRN in July 2013.  During this time, I believe that the GRN Executive Committee members were able to clarify and enhance the role of the Operating Teams, provide some operational input to the work of the IPEICA Joint Industry Project, develop a number of bilateral agreements to facilitate sharing of resources and enabling joint exercises and training sessions. 

On a personal note; I had privilege to visit and see several of the GRN member operations and meet their staff.  We also had a number of networking opportunities which enable the EC members to get to know each other.  I was also pleased to open up the Chairmanship to all the OSRO’s in the GRN, previously this had cycled between OSRL and MSRC every other year.  OSRL with its BOD’s approval has also taken on the role of permanent Secretariat to the GRN.”  Robert Limb, OSRL


“When asked to take over the GRN/EC Chair in May 2017, I felt very honoured and a great comfort in the GRN trusting NOFO and me with such a task.

I believe the centrepiece of GRN is the OTs. OTs are the doers, where discussions flow and results are gained. As I take upon me the chairmanship of GRN, I will do my very best to continue the good work performed so far, and continue to keep focus on the work performed by the OTs. I am looking forward to continue working with all of you.” Leif Kvamme, NOFO


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